Who we are
Diversifi was incorporated with a single goal in mind. We offer well researched, unique, creative and risk adjusted investment offerings, not typically available via traditional investment channels. Our investment offerings usually have an element of real estate (whether equity or debt) and they do not trade on the public stock markets. As a result, the level and extent of volatility is low and share or unit prices usually reflect the fair and true value of underlying assets. The asset’s value dictates the price of shares/ units and these are not correlated in any way to secondary (stock) markets.
What we do
Diversifi and our representatives Harris Abro and Peter Kinch are licensed and regulated by the BC Securities commission, and several other securities regulators across Canada. (Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario)
Diversifi is registered as an Exempt Market Dealer and Harris and Peter are licensed as registered representatives. This means that we are authorized and qualified to sell select investment offerings in private companies. These fall outside the realm of traditional stock market, mutual fund and/or bond offerings.
To obtain and maintain above licensing, Canadian securities regulators require that we have an established track record in dealing with investors and a suitable knowledge and understanding of the different investment offerings that have been approved by us. We are subject to ongoing review and audit by the regulators. This requires that we maintain high standards of due diligence and care in our dealings with our investors.
We have close to 50 years of collective experience in assisting investors in Canada. We do not market or sell any product which we manage ourselves and are truly independent and objective in assessing and recommending appropriate investment offerings.
Our team

President and chief compliance officer
Harris is the founder and President of Diversifi Alternative Investments Ltd. For over 27 years Harris has been advising Canadians on their financial needs, analyzing their overall financial health and providing creative solutions to meet their financial planning objectives. Prior to this, Harris spent 11 years in the South African legal profession, where he learned valuable lessons on client relationship management and objectively advising in the best interests of clients.
Over the past 12 years, Harris has been focusing more specifically on providing value to client investment portfolios by offering unique and well researched alternative investments which enhance and add diversification to traditional stock and bond type offerings. Harris strives to act in a professional, focused and diligent manner, creating & developing unique customized financial solutions, tailored to client’s individual planning needs. Registered with the BC Securities Commission, and also Alberta, Saskatchewan and Ontario Securities Regulators as an Exempt Market Dealer and Dealing Representative.
Dealing representative
Peter Kinch is a best-selling author, registered alternative investment advisor and award-winning Mortgage Broker with over 25 years of experience in the Canadian finance and mortgage industries. Peter is passionate about helping Canadians to approach, consider and run their investment portfolios in the same way as a Pension Fund Manager would manage their fund’s investments. Peter has helped many investors develop and evolve their investment portfolios through his trademarked ‘Gap Analysis©’ and ‘Action Plan™’.
As a registered Exempt Market Dealing Representative with Diversifi Alternative Investments Ltd, Peter is able to assist investors in finding appropriate investment solutions that are not correlated with, or related to traditional stock or bond market investments. Such investment solutions can complement an investor’s existing investment portfolio, by helping to enhance yield and provide much needed stability, congruent with an investors stated financial goals.
Peter has been featured on various radio and television programs throughout the country including Global TV, CTV, CBC and BNN. He is also the author of The Mortgage Minute™, ‘The Canadian Real Estate Action Plan’, and co-author of the #1 best-seller 97 Tips for Canadian Real Estate Investors.
Our approach
Due diligence
In the midst of uncertain markets and unexpected events we will help you diversify to achieve investment excellence.